孩子马上就要5岁了,不知不觉中慢慢地开始懂事。属于她自己的资料也越来越多,有出生证,托儿所毕业照,幼儿园入学通知,家园联系册,各种兴趣培训的报名表,旅游门券;参观门券,甚至病历卡等等。多年来,这些资料我都完好给她保存着,我有这样一个念头,帮孩子整理一份记录她学龄前成长轨迹的档案,等她长大了作为礼物送给她,或许会对她有所用处吧。至少,让她知道自打她来到这世界上每一步成长都留下了一些怎样的足迹。 结婚5年后,确信自己已怀上孩子时我已过30周岁,而且是在异国他乡,理智上,很清楚该考虑孩子的教养问题,感情上却无论如何也做不到不宠爱这个仿佛是上苍恩赐给我们的孩子,然而狂喜、兴奋过后,孩子的教养问题还是很现实地摆在了我们面前。 不可否认,我们身边有如傅聪般在棍棒下成名的钢琴家,也有如陈景润般常常以馒头充饥,在草稿纸山中,破“纸”而出的数学家……
Children are about 5 years old, unconsciously slowly began sensible. Belong to her own information is also more and more, a birth certificate, nursery school graduation photos, kindergarten admission notice, home contact book, a variety of interest training registration form, travel tickets; visit tickets, and even medical records and so on. Over the years, I have these information intact to save her, I have such a thought, to help children organize a track record of her pre-school growth files, so she grew up as a gift for her, maybe she will be Use it. At least, let her know what kind of footprints have left behind every step of growth that has taken her to the world. Five years after getting married, I am sure I am 30 years old when I have conceived a child and it is in a foreign country. In my mind, it is quite clear that I should consider the child’s upbringing. I feel like I can not love it anyway. The gift of God to our children, but ecstasy, excitement, the child’s upbringing is still very realistic in front of us. Admittedly, there are pianists under our club like Fu Cong, and mathematicians like Chen Jingrun who often eat bread with bread in the rough of paper.