
来源 :港口经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fyps
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交通运输业是国民经济重要基础性和先导性产业,对推动国民经济发展具有不可替代的重要作用。国际金融危机带来了严重影响,我国交通运输业仍面临挑战。我们要在应对挑战中抓住机遇,直面转型,在保增长中更加突出“调结 Transportation is an important and leading industry in the national economy and plays an irreplaceable and important role in promoting the development of the national economy. The international financial crisis has had a serious impact and China’s transportation industry is still facing challenges. We have to seize the opportunities in response to the challenges, face the transformation and become more prominent in maintaining the growth. ”