为保护检举、控告人的权利 ,对检举、控告不实的 ,要严格划清错告、诬告的界限 ,分别不同情况予以处理。所谓诬告陷害是指以陷害他人为目的 ,故意捏造错误事实或歪曲事实而向有关机关检举、控告 ,意图使他人受到党纪、政纪处分和法律追究的行为。而错告则是由于对事实了解不全
In order to protect the rights of prosecutors and prosecutors, if the accusation or charges are not substantiated, the boundaries of false accusations and false accusations should be strictly defined and dealt with in different circumstances. The so-called false accusation refers to the fraudulent use of others for the purpose of deliberately fabricating false facts or distorting facts to the relevant agencies to report and prosecute those who intend to subject others to party discipline, political discipline and legal accountability. The wrong notice is due to incomplete facts