蓝三满 蓝三满,处州云和县梅源东坑村人,畲族,生卒年不详,主要活动时期在清咸丰、同治年间。三满灵巧聪慧,尤具唱歌之天赋。从小唱山歌脱口而成,随编随唱。且他为人正直仗义,遇见不平之事,即编成山歌,以歌声来鞭挞,击其要害。尤其对官府权贵,更不留情。他得到人民的喜爱,被尊称为歌王。他唱的山歌不计其数,可惜很少被记录而留传下来。但所幸他还给我们留下了一首《长毛歌》。
Blue three full blue three full, at the state cloud and County Mei Yuen Dongkeng village, She, birth and death unknown, the main activities in the Qing Xianfeng, Tongzhi years. Three full smart dexterity, especially singing talent. Singing from a small singing folk song, with the series with sing. And he upright justice, meet the injustice, that is compiled into a folk song, whipping in song, hit the key. Especially for the official dignitaries, mercurial vapor, mercilessly. He is loved by the people and honored as the king of songs. He sing countless folk songs, but unfortunately rarely been recorded and passed down. But fortunately he left us a “long hair song”.