随着农药品种增多和广泛使用,包装规格的多样化如瓶装的、安瓿装、袋装等。婴幼儿不懂事.因误食、舔食或食入受农药污染物而引起的中毒现象屡见不鲜,近期我们医院儿科收治的三例典型农药中毒现象更值得重视,现报道如下: 一、临床资料:年龄:8个月、2岁、3岁;其中男2例,女1例;中毒时间:最短30分钟,最长2个小时;中毒程度:重度1例,中度2例;中毒原因和途径:通过母乳喂养中毒1例,舔食瓶盖中毒一例,安瓿装当口服液吸人中毒1例。 二、诊断依据:(1)有明确农药中毒药史(食人、舔食、接触);(2)有典型农药中毒症状与体征;(3)血液胆碱酯酶活力测定明显降低;(4)应用阿托品治疗,临床症状及体征迅速改善,本文报道三例中毒均符合上
With the increase and widespread use of pesticide varieties, the diversification of packaging specifications such as bottled, ampoule, bagged and so on. Infants and young children do not know.Because of eating, eating or eating pesticide contaminants caused by poisoning are common, the recent hospital pediatric treatment of three cases of typical pesticide poisoning more deserve attention, are reported as follows: First, the clinical data: Age: 8 months, 2 years old, 3 years old; 2 males and 1 females; Poisoning time: the shortest 30 minutes, up to 2 hours; Poisoning degree: severe in 1 case, moderate in 2 cases; : 1 case of breast-feeding poisoning, 1 case of licking cap poisoning, 1 case of ampoule loaded as oral liquid inhalation poisoning. Second, the diagnosis is based on: (1) a clear history of pesticide poisoning (cannibalism, licking, exposure); (2) typical symptoms and signs of pesticide poisoning; (3) blood cholinesterase activity was significantly lower; ) Application of atropine treatment, clinical symptoms and signs of rapid improvement, this report reported three cases of poisoning are in line