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【作 者】
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'; } echo $str; ?>
【机 构】
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【出 处】
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让中国历史发生重大转折的西安事变距今已过80周年。本文记载了当年张学良将军身边几名才华横溢的中国共产党人,有些还是第一次公开发表。他们机智顽强的英雄事迹,甘洒热血的献身精神,静夜里读过,潸然泪下……催人奋进…… Xi’an Incident, a major turning point in Chinese history, has passed its 80th anniversary so far. This article chronicles the several talented Chinese Communists around General Chang Hsueh-liang in the past, some of whom made their first public announcements. Their mentally tenacious heroic deeds, merciless dedication, quiet night read, tears ... inspiring ......
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