我国加入WTO组织后 ,一切经济活动包括政府行为必须要遵守WTO规则 ,对我们经贸部门的工作提出了新的更高要求。在新的情况下 ,经贸干部切实提高实用领导艺术和工作方法水平是一项不容忽视的工作。我担任基层经贸委领导工作整整12年 ,从工作经历中体会到 ,要提高经贸干
After China’s accession to the WTO, all economic activities, including government actions, must abide by WTO rules and place new and higher requirements on the work of our economic and trade departments. Under the new circumstances, it is an important task for economic and trade cadres to effectively raise the level of practical leadership art and working methods. As a full 12 years of leading work of grass-roots economic and trade commissions, I learned from my work experience that we must improve trade and economic cooperation