There are 101 employees in the second high-pressure polyethylene workshop, and there are 66 young workers under the age of 30, accounting for 65% of the total number of employees. There are 17 Party members and 52 members, and the ratio of the members of the party members accounts for 68.7% of the total number of employees. There are 18 technicians of all kinds, accounting for 17.8% of the total number of employees. The annual design capacity of the plant is 80,000 tons. The new process of Mitsubishi Petrochemicals was adopted. The ground broke on June 1, 1990. It was completed and put into production on April 7, 1992. It has been operating for 64 months. During this time, the workshop climbed three steps. In 1992, when it was put into production, it achieved the quarterly compliance. In 1993, it achieved the device production capacity design capability. In 1994, it completed a new round of standards with six excellent economic performance indicators at the leading domestic level. In 1995 and 1996, it achieved the standard of protection. 1996 The actual production exceeded 15% of the design value, reaching 92,000 tons. In the 64 months, a total of high-pressure polyethylene production