对在盐碱地上利用处理后石油工业污水灌溉进行林草间作 ,对三种不同密度配置的间作效果进行了长期的调查研究 ,对林草长期间作的树种、草种提供了优选结果 ;对林草长期间作的密度 (株行距 )、间作方式与效果进行了多方面的分析评价 ,提出了三种密度中最佳间作密度与方式 :对在三种不同土壤类型上开展林草间作的推广效果进行了分析总结
Long-term investigation on the intercropping effect of three different densities was carried out on the saline-alkali soil after the treatment of petroleum industry wastewater irrigation. The results of the long-term forest-grass tree species and grass species provided the best results. Long-term for the density (spacing), intercropping methods and effects of a multi-faceted analysis and evaluation of the three densities put forward the best intercropping density and mode: on the three different types of soil to carry out the promotion of intercropping effect The analysis concluded