亲爱的作者、读者朋友们:《简讯》栏目竭诚向您约稿了!需要最新的花卉苗木消息,要求结构简单,叙事简明。图片为未经修改的原图,清晰度高,单张照片1M以上,并配相关图片说明。请来稿时注明作者个人通联方式(电话或QQ等),以便及时联系。稿件一经采用,即付薄酬与样刊。联系方式:[email protected] QQ:418109355
Dear author, reader friends: “Newsletter” section dedicated to your appointment! Need the latest flowers and seedlings of the message, requiring a simple structure, concise narrative. The picture is unmodified original picture, high definition, a single photo of more than 1M, and with the relevant picture description. Please indicate the author’s personal communication method (telephone or QQ, etc.), in order to timely contact. Manuscripts once adopted, that is, pay a fee and sample. Contact: [email protected] QQ: 418109355