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众所公认,许家康先生是近年来我国年鉴编纂理论研究及推动年鉴事业发展的领军人物。他长期从事年鉴编纂出版工作和年鉴编纂理论研究,致力于领导开展全国性的年鉴理论研讨会、评奖会,建立中国年鉴网和年鉴资源全文数据库,极大地推动了学会工作和各地年鉴事业的发展。多年来,他刻苦钻研年鉴理论,著书立说,创新年鉴内容和形式及年鉴编纂出版理论,极大地促进了全国各地年鉴编纂和理论创新与学科建设。研究并拓展许家康年鉴学术思想,对于提高年鉴编纂质量,加强年鉴理论创新与学科体系建设,我国年鉴事业科学发展,具有重要意义。 It is generally accepted that Mr. Xu Jiakang is the leader in the study of the compilation of yearbook in recent years and the promotion of the development of the yearbook. He has long been engaged in yearbook compilation and publication work and yearbook compilation theory research, is committed to leading the national yearbook theory seminars, awards, the establishment of China Yearbook network and yearbook resources full-text database, greatly promoted the work of learning and yearbook business development . Over the years, he painstakingly researched the Yearbook theory, wrote books, published the content and form of the Yearbook, and compiled and published the Yearbook theory, greatly promoting the compilation of the Yearbook and theoretical innovation and discipline construction across the country. To study and develop Xu Jiakang’s yearbook academic thought is of great significance to improving the quality of yearbook compilation, strengthening the innovation of yearbook theory and building up disciplinary system and the scientific development of yearbook in our country.
摘 要:近些年来,随着我国国民经济和人民生活水平的提升,我国房屋建筑施工工程质量正在不断提升,国家也在不断加快对于房屋建设的改革工作,旨在为人们的生产生活提供高质量、高水平、高技术的现代房屋建筑工程。本文就目前我国房屋建筑工程的发展现状,简要分析我国房屋建筑工程外墙保温施工技术的优势以及不足,对外墙保温施工技术过程中存在的问题做具体分析,重点在于对于保温技术的研究和开发工作。  关键词:房屋建筑;
摘 要:运输业的发展在很大程度上关系着社会经济的发展步伐,铁路运输作为主要的运输方式之一,铁路运输与社会经济实现协调发展才能发挥更大的作用,更好的促进经济社会的发展,产生最大的经济效益,所以研究铁路运输与社会经济的协调发展具有十分重要的作用。本文对铁路运输与社会经济协调发展的关系进行了较为详细的论述,并提出促进两者协调发展的有效建议。  关键词:铁路运输;社会经济;协调发展   铁路运输作为经济社