刘静君教授认为脾肾气虚、冲任不固是围绝经期无排卵性功能失调性子宫出血的主要病因病机,本着分期论治的原则进行辨证论治,出血期易夹瘀夹热,急则治其标,以益气固冲、塞流止崩之法自拟调经止血方.血止后顺应围绝经期女性年龄生理性衰变及阴阳变化规律,此期易夹热,本着缓则治其本的原则,脾肾同调,立宫宁方以补肾健脾、养血复旧,纠正阴阳的偏颇,从而达到阴阳平和,功血自除.“,”Professor LIU Jingjun pointed out the deficiency of spleen and kidney and insecurity of thorough-fare and concept vessels are the major cause and mechanism of perimenopausal anovulatroy dysfunctional u-terine bleeding. This disease should be treated according to different stages. In actue bleeding stage ,the principle of treating the branch for the acute should be applied. Also during this stage ,there are often stasis and heat involved,and therefore the treatment should be tonifying qi,consolidating the thoroughfare vessels and blocking the bleeding and Tiaojing Zhixue formula is invented. After bleeding stopped ,according to the physiological characteristics of the permimenopausal woman and the increase and decrease of yin and yang , there is often heat involved. According to the principle of treating the root for the chronic ,kidneys and spleen should be treated simutaneously,and the Gongning formula was invented. This formula could tonify spleen and kidneys and nourish blood to rectify the imbalance of yin and yang. Through this method ,yin and yang could re-establish balance to cure bleeding.