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三、蚂蚁的食用、药用在国外的概况在世界许多国家里,特别那些地理条件受限制,发展农业生产有困难的国家里,将蚂蚁等昆虫作为主食。墨西哥一些地区吃蚂蚁是家常便饭。瓦晗卡州一些居民把蚂蚁作为蛋白质和维生紊的主要来源。墨西哥国立自治大学生物学院女教授胡列塔·拉莫斯·埃洛杜伊:“今后人口剧增,粮食作物短缺的情况下,蚂蚁等昆虫将成为人类未来可信赖的食品。”哥伦比亚垣德省省会加拉曼市索有“食蚁城”之称。几内亚、亚州中部维多利亚湖附近的居民,将蚂蚁,白蚁成把地生吞嚼咽。据美国食物及药品管理局公布,每1000克苹果酱就有5克昆虫或昆虫碎片,人类历史上确有食昆虫的大量例子,但美国人乐意吃经过加工的蚂蚁、蚱蜢,如外表巧克力、夹馅等看不出原形的昆虫。 3. Overview of ants’ consumption and medicinal use in foreign countries In many countries in the world, especially those countries with restricted geographical conditions and difficulties in the development of agricultural production, insects such as ants are used as staple foods. Eating ants in some parts of Mexico is a commonplace meal. Some residents of Wazika State use ants as a major source of protein and vitamins. Huletta Ramos Elodeui, professor of biology at the National School of Biology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, said: “In the future, the population will increase sharply, and in the absence of food crops, insects such as ants will become the reliable food for humanity in the future.” The provincial capital of Galaman City claims to be known as the “eater city”. Inhabitants near Lake Victoria, in Central and Central Asia, used ants and termites as raw worms. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration, there are 5 grams of insects or insect debris per 1,000 grams of apple sauce. There are plenty of examples of eating insects in human history, but Americans are happy to eat processed ants and quail, such as the appearance of chocolate, Nesting insects cannot be seen.
回心草系真藓科大叶藓属植物暖地大叶藓[Rhodobryum giganteum(Hook)Par],曾实验证明本品能增加离体兔心冠脉流量、对抗实验性急性心肌缺血。临床报道对冠心病心绞痛有一定
从人参茎叶中分离出一种微量皂甙,经~(13)C NMR 等分析鉴定为人参皂甙-Rh_2(ginseno-side-Rh_2). A trace saponin was isolated from the leaves and stems of Ginseng. It
马蹄香系败酱科缬草属植物(Veleriana jata-mansi Jones),同属植物缬草具有镇静作用。本文研究马蹄香的镇静作用。实验采用改良抖笼法测定小鼠自发活动曲线;观察药物对阈下
野菊[Dendranthema indicum(L.)Des Moul.]为菊科植物,多年生草本,花期6—11月,全国大部分地区均有分布,生长于山坡草地、灌丛、田边及路旁。野菊味苦辛凉,有清热解毒散瘀明
21.什么叫推荐性标准?答 :推荐性标准又称为非强制性标准或自愿性标准。是指生产、交换、使用等方面 ,通过经济手段或市场调节而自愿采用的一类标准。这类标准 ,不具有强制性 ,任
用毛细管气相色谱—质谱联用的方法从毛细辛挥发油中鉴定出49个组分,占总油含量的85.2%,其中有28个化合物为该种植物中首次报道. 49 components were identified from capil