在当前的形势下,群众要反映情况、要投诉,除了找信访部门外, 另一条重要的途径就是找新闻媒体,因为他们觉得,新闻媒体最客观、最公正。事实上,新闻媒体也最能反映群众的呼声,为群众说话——至少笔者所在的媒体坚持做到了这一点。笔者进入新闻单位后. 一直在采编部门工作。特别是最近四五年,笔者担任新闻编辑部编辑, 接待和处理了许多投诉的群众及投
Under the current circumstances, the masses should reflect the situation and complain. In addition to seeking letters and visits departments, another important channel is to find the news media because they think the news media is the most objective and the most fair. In fact, the news media can best reflect the voices of the masses and speak to the masses - at least the author’s media insists on doing this. After I entered the news unit has been editing departments work. Especially in the recent four or five years, I have been editor of the news editorial department, received and handled many complaints from the masses and cast