我国著名作曲家、音乐家、音乐评论家、社会活动家——贺绿汀,1903年7月20日出生在湖南省宝庆(今邵阳市)东乡一个叫马王塘的小山村。他年轻时就投身革命,1927年大革命失败,被迫离开家乡,先后转战上海、重庆、北京,直到1949年全国解放,一直在上海工作。 人到老年,就常常回想往昔。贺老也是如此。已届晚年的贺绿汀回故乡邵阳时,经常向身边的人谈到过去的事情。在身边的贺老亲人作了记录。笔者在邵阳工作过多年.有幸读到这些珍贵的第一手资料。现将其中回忆国歌作者聂耳和著名电影表演艺术家、歌星周璇的谈话,整理于次以飨读者。
Our famous composer, musician, music critic and social activist - He Luting was born in July 20, 1903 in Baoqing, Hunan Province (now Shaoyang City), a small village called Mawangtang. When he was young, he devoted himself to the revolution. After the failure of the Great Revolution in 1927, he was forced to leave his hometown and fought in Shanghai, Chongqing and Beijing. It was not until 1949 that the entire country was liberated and has been working in Shanghai. When people are elderly, they often recall the past. He is also true. After the late He Luting returned to his hometown of Shaoyang, he often talked about the past things to the people around him. Around the old relatives made a record. I have worked in Shaoyang for many years. Fortunate enough to read these precious first-hand information. Now recalled the song of the national anthem Nie Er and the famous film artist, singer Zhou Xuan’s conversation, finishing in order to readers.