目的了解张掖市甘州区中小学生生长发育及营养现状,探索分析中小学生生长发育中存在的问题,为甘州区中小学生生长发育及营养现状的研究提供相应资料,并为评价相关干预效果提供基础数据。方法整群抽取甘州区12所中小学校共计16 363名学生进行身高、体重测量,按“2000年全国7~22岁城乡汉族学生身高、体重百分位数评价表”和中国肥胖工作组(WGOC)制订的BMI标准筛查超重、肥胖学生,用中国学生体质测量评估体系系统软件对其生长发育及营养状况进行评价。结果甘州区7~17岁各年龄组男、女生平均身高和体重均高于2005年兰州市、甘肃省、全国平均水平,而低于2005年北京市的平均水平。学生营养不良率为19.0%,超重率为10.0%,肥胖率为9.0%;男生营养不良率显著低于女生,而超重率、肥胖率均高于女生。结论甘州区中小学生的生长发育状况良好,但超重率和肥胖率较高,且已进入儿童青少年肥胖高流行阶段,因此,建立规范的监测体系和实施综合措施以积极防治儿童青少年肥胖已刻不容缓。
Objective To understand the growth and nutrition status of primary and secondary school students in Ganzhou District of Zhangye City and to explore the existing problems in primary and secondary school students’ growth and development so as to provide relevant information for the study on the growth and nutritional status of primary and secondary school students in Ganzhou District and to provide evaluation results for related interventions Basic data. Methods A total of 16 363 students from 12 primary and secondary schools in Ganzhou District were collected for cluster measurement. According to the "Table of Evaluation of Height and Weight Perceptions of Chinese Han Students from 7 to 22 Years in 2000 and 2000 in China, Group (WGOC) to develop the BMI standard screening of overweight and obese students, with the Chinese student body measurement and evaluation system software to evaluate their growth and development and nutritional status. Results The average height and weight of boys and girls in each age group of 7 ~ 17 in Ganzhou District were higher than the average of Lanzhou City and Gansu Province in 2005 and lower than the average of 2005 in Beijing City. Students malnutrition rate was 19.0%, 10.0% overweight rate, obesity rate was 9.0%; malnutrition rates were significantly lower in boys than girls, and overweight rates, obesity rates were higher than girls. Conclusion The growth and development of primary and secondary school students in Ganzhou are good, but the rates of overweight and obesity are high, and have entered the stage of high prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents. Therefore, establishing a standardized monitoring system and implementing comprehensive measures to prevent and treat obesity in children and adolescents is an urgent task .