Wedding march in the west(英汉对照)

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  Marrige is considered an occasion of great rejoicing in the West as in China.But in the West the bride is spposed to be the happiest person of all.Only as she walks down the aisle or down the room to meet her bridegroom in the marriage cerernony must she preserve her dignity.At all other times she is happy,gay,and laughing.The groom is spposed to behave as if he had just been awarded the greatest prize in the world.
  If one receives an announcement of wedding after it is over, a note of congratulation may be sent, but a gift is not necessary.
  If one receives an invitation to the wedding, however, one must reply immediately, accepting or declining the invitation, and accompanying the the reply in either case with a gift. All gifts are sent to the bride. It is impolite to decline a wedding invation except for the most urgent reasons.It is the height of rudeness to arrive late at a wedding.If the wedding is in a home, one should arrive at least five minutes before the hour, as the wedding ceremony usually takes place exactly on the hour, as the wedding coremony usually takes place exactly on the hour set,and all the festivities come after.If the wedding is in a church one may arrive from five to fifteen minutes early. At a church wedding there will be ushers to show You to your seat. You must follow the usher and take the seat given you. Usually there will be seats reserved for family and close friends, and on no account may one sit in these seats unless requested to do so by the usher,who is acting on the bride‘s and groom‘s directions.It is \{usua\}lly customory for the guests to rise as the bride enters,you may be guided in this by what others do.
  [One wears one‘s best clothes to a wedding,and \{usua\}[JP]lly all the family and near friends have new clothes for the occation. At a formal wedding,the bride is usually dressed all in white, with a white lace veil and a bouquet of white flowers.There bave, however, been many variations of this custom of late years,some brides preferring no veil or pink flowers, or even a pale colored dress. A woman who has been married before never wears white for her second wedding, as white is the symbol of virginity. The groom wears the usual formal black.
  During the ceremony complete silence is maintained by the guests. If the wedding is in a home, friends step up immediately after the service is over to greet the bride and groom. Congratulations are offered to the groom and best wishes to the bride.If the wedding takes placl in a church, the grests all wait for the bride and groom and their party to leave the church before leaving themselves.
  There is often a good deal of merriment at the wedding dinner or supper, but all forms of coarseness are in bad taste.Anything that might detract from the happiness of the newly-married couple is impolite. Sometimes rice and confetti are thrown at the bride and groom as they leave the house for their wedding trip or \"honeymoon.
沙赫特是俄罗斯南部顿河之滨的一座小城市,位于顿河罗斯托夫西北70公里处,人口约30万。九十年代初,是俄罗斯经济困难时期,物资匮乏,商品供应短缺,老百姓的日子不好过。1992年秋,因与俄方合资办厂,我曾在那里呆过几个月。当时我感到此间民风纯朴,人与人诚信相交,很少有欺诈现象。有一件小事亦从反面验证了这一印象。  一天下午,我去一家食品店购物。食品店有六间房那么宽,只见店内顾客寥若晨星,仅有五六个人。
1 《中国对外经济贸易白皮书》    何茂春 主编  中国物资出版社  本白皮书由中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部和《中国对外经济贸易白皮书》编委会共同编写。全书分三部分:第一部分为发展篇;第二部分是中国加入WTO;第三部分是政策法律篇。该书是对外经贸人员必需学习的工具书。    2 《变革之舞》    彼得·圣吉 等著  东方出版社  该书是作者继《第五项修炼》之后推出的新著。书中汇集了世界优秀
曾宪梓(全国人大常委、香港金利来集团有限公司董事局主席):我坚信沈阳的明天一定会更美好,一定会发展成为区域性乃至东北亚的中心城市!    陈有庆(全国人大代表、香港中华总商会会长):沈阳应该成为东北地区的金融中心!    蔡冠深(全国政协委员、香港新华集团总裁):走国际化合作之路,走高技术企业发展之路,大家共同努力,沈阳的明天会更好。    杨斌(荷兰国际贸易有限公司董事长):把握入世机遇,发展沈
2001年末,2001枚岫玉玉佩作为中国入世的礼品由国家正式赠送给各国首脑及国际友人。带着对岫玉的神往和好奇,在喜气洋洋的新春佳节里,我们来到号称"玉石之乡"的辽宁省岫岩满族自治县进行采访。  岫岩县地处山川秀美的辽东半岛腹地,以富有浓郁的满族风情和盛产美玉而著称于世,著名的岫岩玉因产于该县而得名。该县人大常委会常务副主任傅玉泉先生十分热情地接待了我们。据他介绍,岫岩是中国最大的玉石产地,拥有世界
如果用一句话来描述我对《国际经贸》杂志的评价,我感到用"良师益友"是再恰当不过的了。我是外经贸战线的一名老兵,几年来,每当打开《国际经贸》杂志,必有新的知识、新的经验、新的信息映入眼帘,使我在开展工作,处理业务的实践中受益非浅。这个"良师益友"还是对外宣传的好媒介,通过他,宣传了抚顺地区的资源优势,推动和加快了地区对外开放的步伐。我衷心祝愿《国际经贸》越办越好,永伴外经贸战士远征!  随着我国已
2001年12月初,笔者随辽宁省人民政府商贸洽谈团组出访美国、墨西哥。行前,对美国9.11后各行业所受的影响、世贸大厦双姊楼是否已荡然无存?社会秩序如何等等都于心中画上了一个个疑问,随着波音747发动机的阵阵轰鸣,十三个小时后就把我们带进了这个从未谋面的国家……    机场安检草木皆兵    9.11后,新闻媒体报道美国为防止恐怖分子的再度袭击,极大的加强了机场安全检查的工作力度 ,真所谓百闻不
2002年是党的十六大胜利召开的喜庆之年,是我国加入世贸组织的第一年,面临严峻的国际经济环境,努力实现全省外经贸工作目标意义十分重要。为团结和组织全省外经贸理论、政策研究和实际工作者在外经贸的发展与改革理论研究方面作出积极的贡献,我们举办这次联合征文评奖活动,热烈欢迎大家踊跃参加。    一、征文主题    高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,按照"三个代表"的要求,贯彻中央经济工作会议和全国外经贸工作会