《冰山上的来客》是长春电影制片厂1962年摄制的一部优秀影片.讲述了新中国建立以后.新疆帕米尔高原上的边防战士与国民党派遣特务进行斗争的故事。虽然三十多年过去了.但人们还记得剧中的边防战士阿米尔和纯真善良的古兰丹姆,那首《花儿为什么这样红》也还在继续传唱。 1961年春,新疆体委排球队员,刚满20岁的阿不列米提被借调到《冰山上的来客》剧组.饰演剧中的男主角阿米尔。整整八个月.在长影厂拍摄了全部内景以及在摄影棚内搭起来的雪山外景。然后整个剧
The Guest on the Iceberg is an excellent film produced by Changchun Film Studio in 1962. It tells the story of the border warriors in the Pamirs in Xinjiang after the founding of New China and the dispatch of agents by the Kuomintang. Although more than thirty years have passed, people still remember Amir, a border warrior, and Quran Damn, a pure and kind-hearted warrior. The song “why flowers are so red” still continues to be sung. The spring of 1961, Xinjiang Physical Fitness Volleyball team, just turned 20-year-old 阿米米米提 was seconded to the “iceberg on the guest” cast .As the play’s actor Amir. For a full eight months, all the interior scenes at the studio and the snow-capped mountains in the studio were taken. Then the whole play