Ovulation is the result of periodic human physiological activity. It is known that luteinizing hormone (LH) peak in menstrual cycle - medium term human body environment is closely related to ovulation time. It is generally estimated that ovulation occurs 24 to 36 hours after LH peak begins to rise, Individual differences can be 9 to 11 hours (Baker, 1982), so accurate prediction of ovulation time, can grasp the pregnancy of the egg cells, used in natural family contraception, self-selection of fertilization time arrangement of family planning, but also can be applied to in vitro artificial insemination, under Thalamus diagnosis and so on. The method of monitoring the endogenous LH peak has been accurate and sensitive radioimmunoassay, but due to the use of isotope radioactive agents, which brought a series of inconveniences and limitations, the United States Japan and other countries in 1985 to 1986 several manufacturing plants Has launched a different trademark detection of human ovulation time of the product test kit (with a note or reagent), with accurate, sensitive, fast