In many physics-related departments, such as ionization vacuum measurements, photocurrents, X-rays, nuclear physics, etc., very weak currents have to be measured.The range of micro-currents starts at about 1 microampere up to 10 ~ (_18 ) Ann. We know that 1 amp current is equivalent to passing 6 x 10 ~ (18) electrons per second, so the microstrip also flows in the minimum measuring range, hoping to reach several electrons per second. A typical 10 microamps full scale ammeter , Can be used to measure the current of 1 microamp.More small current, it is necessary to use a reflective galvanometer to measure.Because the molecules in the air impact galvanometer coil, the so-called Brown Browuian movement, as well as in the circuit resistance The thermal noise that is generated tends to move the galvanometer mirrors frequently and, at normal room temperature, these noises can reach an input current equivalent to 10 to 12 Amps, causing the reflection