蜡梅(Chimonothus Praecox Link),俗称腊梅,属蜡梅科、蜡梅属。是我国园林主要“闻香”和绿化树种,也是深受人们喜爱的冬季木本切花。还可盆栽或制作珍贵的树桩盆景。据古书记载,至少在八百年之前,蜡梅已是我国传统花木之一。在我国,分布地域辽阔,纵跨十五个纬度。由于生长地生态条件各异,加之长期栽培,产生各种自然变异。有时还采用种子育苗,更因遗传上的杂合分离,变异类型繁多。人们从中选择培育,形成一些优良品种,但众多的变异类型中,只
Chimonothus Praecox Link, commonly known as Lamei, is a waxaceae, Chimonanthus. Is China’s major garden “smells” and green tree species, but also by the people’s favorite winter wood cut flowers. Potted plants can also be made or precious tree bonsai. According to ancient records, at least eight hundred years ago, Chimonanthus is one of the traditional flowers in our country. In our country, the distribution area is vast and spanned fifteen latitudes. Due to the different ecological conditions of growth, combined with long-term cultivation, produce a variety of natural variations. Seedling is sometimes used seed, but also because of heterozygous genetic segregation, a wide range of types of variation. People choose to cultivate, forming some fine varieties, but many of the types of mutation, only