“醋娘子”是人们送给古瑶神醋的发明创制者、广西醋娘子饮料工贸有限公司董事长兼总经理欧德华的一个雅称。 欧德华十七岁独步商海,她中学刚毕业,因为家里太穷,父母年迈体弱,工资收入低,兄弟姐妹多,于是辍学用自己稚嫩的臂膀帮助父母挑起这付沉重的生活担子。也许天生是一块做生意的料子,第一年她走村串户,逢圩必赶,风里来雨里去,卖一些橡胶制品,一年下来便挣了3千多元。 攥着这笔沉甸甸的血汗钱,她在柳州市鱼峰山附
“Vinegar Lady” is an elegant name of people who give the inventor of the ancient Yao God vinegar, chairman and general manager of Guangxi vinegar woman drinks Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. said. At the age of seventeen, Oude Hua, who was the first to step into the sea, graduated from high school because her family was too poor, her parents were weak, their wages were low, their brothers and sisters had more, and dropped out of school with their immaculate arms to help parents provoke this heavy burden of life. Perhaps born of a piece of business materials, the first year she walked the village string of households, every Wei will catch up, the wind and rain to go, sell some rubber products, a year down they earned 3 thousand yuan. Grip this heavy hard-earned money, she was in Liuzhou fish peak attached