患儿,男,4岁,土族,因“发热,咳嗽4天”而来我院就诊。经临床及X线检查诊断为支气管炎,治疗给予青霉素320万单位,按茶碱50mg,炎琥宁160mg及对症治疗2天后效果不显著,仍有发热,尤为夜间为甚,体温达39℃。患儿家长在家给小儿氨酚匹林片1片半口服后体温有所降低,约4小时后开始发热,又给布洛芬混悬液(江苏恒瑞攻药股份有限公司生产,批号:国药准字号H19980017)20m L,按照4岁儿童正常口服量为5m L/次,若持续发热可间隔(4~6)小时重复用药一次,24小时不超过4次。口服后患儿出现烦躁、颜面青
Children, male, 4 years old, Tu nationality, because of “fever, cough for 4 days ” came to our hospital. The diagnosis of bronchitis by clinical and X-ray examination, the treatment of penicillin 320 million units, according to theophylline 50mg, Yan Hu Ning 160mg and symptomatic treatment after 2 days the effect is not significant, there is still fever, especially at night even worse, body temperature of 39 ℃. Parents of children with children at home to children with paracetamol tablets after a half-oral body temperature decreased, about 4 hours after the start of fever, gave ibuprofen suspension (Jiangsu Hengrui Gong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. production, batch number: Sinopharm The standard font size H19980017) 20m L, according to the normal oral dose of 4-year-old children for the 5m L / time, if the sustained fever can be repeated (4 ~ 6) hours once repeated medication, 24 hours less than 4 times. Children appear irritable after oral administration, face green