辽宁省建行营业部副总经理孙世昌,他心中有块用以鞭策和激励自己的匾,那就是:“廉洁奉公,为人民办实事,为党增光彩。” 不为金钱所诱 1992年末的一天,孙世昌被某公司邀请,去考察沈阳太原街北侧的一家大酒店。这是家个体经营的酒店,老板为使酒店在省城独领风骚,准备借款800—1000万元,对酒店进行豪华装修。老板知道孙世昌说话的分
Sun Shichang, deputy general manager of Liaoning Province’s CCB business department, has a piece in his heart to encourage and motivate his own plaque, which is: “Being honest and serving the public, doing practical things for the people and adding luster to the party.” Not lured by money for the end of 1992 , Sun Shichang was invited by a company to visit a big hotel on the north side of Taiyuan Street in Shenyang. This is a self-employed hotel, the boss to make the hotel dominate the provincial capital, ready to borrow 800-1000 million, the hotel luxury decoration. The boss knows Sun Shichang speaks