一、档案编研文学的产生 档案编研工作是我国档案事业中一个很重要的组成部分,它是档案馆、室的一项重要工作。我国档案界历来十分重视档案编研工作,编研成果也相当丰富。早在1985年,全国省以上档案馆编辑的主要档案文献出版物就达53072.5万字。这些编研成果以其尊重史实,还原历史而得宠于各级政府机关和史学研究部门。但在数以千万计的编研成果中,无不例外地存在着一个问题,即面向大众不够,可读性(可视性、欣赏性))差。所以,这些编研成果的读者
First, the production of archival literature research staffing Archives research work is an important part of the archives in our country, it is an important work archives, room. Our archives circle has always attached great importance to the compilation and editing of archives and the research achievements are also quite rich. As early as 1985, the major archives and publications of editors at and above provincial level reached 530,725,000 words. These achievements in research work have won their favor at all levels of government agencies and historical research departments for their respect for historical facts and the restoration of history. However, among the tens of millions of achievements in scientific research, there is one exception to all that is, it is not enough for the general public and readability (visibility and appreciation) is poor.) So, readers of these research achievements