青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)上胸弯一般是指主胸弯区上方存在的与主弯侧凸方向相反的侧凸畸形。Moe和Kettleson[1]早在1970年就分析了这一侧凸类型,上端椎通常为T1或T2、下端椎通常为T5或T6。在矫正主弯侧凸畸形时,是否要固定上胸弯以及上端固定椎的选择一直以来都存在一定的争议。该区域固定节段的选择对患者术后双肩的平衡和美观有直接的影响。所以,正确制定上胸弯固定策略是提高矫形效果和患者满意度的关键因素之一。
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, AIS) on chest flexion is generally refers to the main curve above the main curve and the direction of curvature of the scoliosis opposite scoliosis. Moe and Kettleson [1] as early as in 1970 to analyze the type of scoliosis, the upper vertebra is usually T1 or T2, the lower end of the vertebral usually T5 or T6. In the correction of the main calanic deformity, the need to fix the upper thoracic and upper vertebral fixation has always been the subject of some controversy. The choice of fixed segments in this region has a direct impact on the balance and aesthetics of the postoperative shoulders. Therefore, the correct formulation of upper chest flexion strategy is to improve the orthopedic effect and patient satisfaction, one of the key factors.