The use of traditional Chinese medicine does not have the distinction between ancient and modern, but also the origin. The traditional Chinese medicine contained in ancient herbal medicine has spread to today, and many of them have been extinct, such as Yue Wang Yu count, Fu Ji Zi Gen and so on. Some medicines are often misunderstood because of the relationship between traffic and production. Mixing true and false, good or bad, for example, Pulsatilla has more than 20 species and 葶 (?) has more than 10 species. More than ten species. Some are different families and different components, and some completely no effect, fish mixed, casual use, so that prescription doctors, can not get its due effect. Based on investigations, acquisitions, acquisitions, observations, appraisals, textual research, research, and inquiries, several known breakdowns are provided below for reference when researching Chinese medicine or production and acquisition. He also hoped that more in-depth research and investigations will be carried out so that the full understanding of the authenticity and superiority and inferiority of various traditional Chinese medicines can be quickly achieved within a few years so as to play a better role in health care.