当然,这篇故事里少不了皇帝与皇后。皇帝是个可怕的老头儿,身上佩着几支六响手枪,靴子上安着踢马刺,嗓门是那么洪亮,连草原上的响尾蛇都会吓得往霸王树下的蛇洞里直钻。在皇室还没有建立之前,人们管他叫“悄声本恩”。当他拥有五万英亩土地和数不清的牛群时,人们便改口叫他“牛皇帝”奥唐奈了。 皇后本是拉雷多来的一个墨西哥姑娘。可是她成了善良、温柔、地道的科罗拉多主妇,甚至劝服了本恩在家里尽量压低嗓门,以免震破碗盏。本恩尚未当皇帝时,她坐在刺头牧场正宅的回廊上编织草席。等到抵挡不住的财富源源涌来,用马车从圣安东尼运来了软垫椅子和大圆桌之后,她只得低下乌发光泽的头,分担达纳埃的命运了。
Of course, this story is ultimately the emperor and the queen. The emperor was a terrible old man, wearing a few six-ring pistols on his body and spurs on his boots. His voice was so loud that even the rattlesnake on the grasslands would scare him straight into the snake hole beneath the King Tree. Before the royal family was established, people called him “whisper Benn.” When he owned fifty thousand acres and countless herds, people called him “ox emperor” O’Donnell. The Queen is a Mexican girl from Laredo. But she became a good, gentle, authentic Colorado housewife, and even persuaded Ben to keep her voice at home as low as possible to avoid breaking the bowls. Benn was not yet an emperor, she sat on the corridor of the prickly head pastures on the mats. Wait until the irresistible wealth comes in, with a carriage from San Antonio, cushioned chairs and round tables, she had to lower the head of the shiny hair, sharing the fate of Danae.