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台灣休閑農業發展爲傳統農業發展和鄉村環境注入一股新活力與契機,首要爲農村地區帶來正向經濟衝擊,相對的也伴隨着負向衝擊.目前对于观光休閑政策發展衝擊多爲環境生態、社會文化、經濟利益等面向之評估系統,較少考慮觀光休閑活動發展過程中的污染、資源耗竭與交通頻繁帶來的問題可能直接或間接對當地居民和遊客造成許多潜在性的負面衝擊健康威脅。有鑒于近年歐洲對觀光休閑游憩發展帶來大衆健康衝擊的認知逐漸增加,而以健康衝擊評估(Health Impact Assessment)技術突顯健康衝擊議題在觀光休閑政策發展中的重要性。反觀台灣目前尙未導入健康衝擊評估技術,且現行休閑農業發展政策或計劃缺乏評估機制。因此,本硏究目的即將該技術概念引入且應用于休閑農業(agri-tourism)政策,着手建構適合台灣發展休閑農業政策之健康衝擊評估指針系統;系統建立主要依據世界觀光組織(World Tourism Organization,2004)建議的健康、安全與福祉作爲指針系統的三大議題,總共設計152個細項候選指標,經由三回合德爾菲专家问卷调查之後,採用整體平均數和穩定度做爲問卷結果的篩選標準,最後由69項入選指標組成台灣發展休閑農業之健康衝擊評估指針系統,該指針系統或許可以提供未來進一步發展休閑農業政策的評估參考工具,以事先獲得預防及減輕負面衝擊之效果,同時亦可衡量當地居民與造訪遊客在健康、安全與福祉等議題中所遭遇之衝擊與影響,進而帶來休閑農業發展的長遠利益和永續價値。 The development of leisure agriculture in Taiwan has infused a new vitality and opportunity for the development of traditional agriculture and the rural environment, which mainly brings positive economic impact to rural areas and relative negative impact as well. At present, the impact on the development of tourism and leisure policies is mostly environmental Ecological, socio-cultural and economic benefits, less consideration is given to the pollution, depletion and frequent traffic problems in the development of tourism and leisure activities, which may directly or indirectly cause many potential negative impacts on local residents and tourists Health threat. In view of the increasing awareness of public health impacts caused by the development of leisure and recreational tourism in Europe in recent years, the health impact assessment (Health Impact Assessment) technology highlights the importance of the health impact issue in the development of tourism and leisure policies. In contrast, Taiwan currently does not import health impact assessment techniques and there is a lack of assessment mechanism for the existing leisure agriculture development policies or programs. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to introduce and apply the concept of agri-tourism to the agri-tourism policy and establish a health impact assessment indicator system suitable for the development of leisure agriculture policy in Taiwan. The system is mainly based on the World Tourism Organization 2004) proposed health, safety and well-being as the three major topics of the index system. A total of 152 detailed project indicators were designed. After three rounds of Delphi experts’ questionnaires, the overall average and stability were used as the screening criteria for the questionnaire results Finally, a total of 69 selected indicators form the indicator system for health impact assessment of recreational agriculture in Taiwan. The indicator system may provide an assessment reference tool for further development of leisure agriculture policy in the future, so as to obtain the effect of preventing and mitigating negative impacts in advance, Measure the impact and impact encountered by local residents and visiting tourists on issues such as health, safety and well-being, and thus bring about long-term benefits and sustainable prices for the development of leisure agriculture.