足球流氓将成为1994年世界杯的破坏者吗?美国人对此忧心忡忡。在美国,发展足球最大的障碍在于它出现在公众面前的形象只是一种野蛮的外来运动,看球者捣乱、斗殴甚至践踏无辜者至死。假如电视新闻不断报道诸如英国足球流氓在达拉斯、底特律或波士顿闹事,甚至捣毁安全设施,足球又怎能博得公众好感? 因此,虽然离正式的开幕尚有半年多的时间,但美国的组织者们提出的安全保卫措施听起来似乎不是准备体育赛事,更像是准备一场战争。据报道,参与世界杯赛治安工作的有美国中央情报局、联邦调查局和国防部,美国还专门邀请了来自欧洲一些国家的具有对付足球流氓经验的警察进行协助。另外,一批精悍的警察已于数月前赴英格兰,向那里的同行们讨教对付足球流氓的办法和手段。
Football hooligans will be the spoilers of the 1994 World Cup? Americans are worried about this. In the United States, the biggest obstacle to football development is that the image it appears to the public is only a brutal alien movement that seekers ballistic, brawl or even trample on innocent people until they die. How can football win the public favor if television news keeps telling stories of British football hooligans making trouble in Dallas, Detroit or Boston and even smashing security facilities? Although more than six months have passed since the formal opening, organizers in the United States The proposed security measures may not sound like preparing for a sporting event, much like preparing for a war. According to reports, there are the CIA, the FBI and the Department of Defense involved in World Cup security. The United States also specially invited police officers from some countries in Europe who have the experience of dealing with football hooligans to assist them. In addition, a handful of smart police officers went to England for months to find ways and means to deal with football hooligans.