6月16日晚,“我的中国梦汉军杯”2013年广西高校大学生“纯真年代”原创歌曲大赛决赛在广西大学大礼堂隆重举行。自治区高校工委书记、教育厅厅长秦斌,自治区高校工委副书记莫锦荣,广西大学校长赵艳林,广西大学党委副书记唐平秋等领导全程观看了比赛并为获奖选手颁奖;部分高校团委负责人和驻邕高校师生代表等1 300多人在现场观看了比赛。来自全区8所高校的4个组合、3个乐队、5名个人选手参加了决赛。经过激烈的角逐,广西大学的艺乐团获得冠军,广西艺术学
On the night of June 16, “My China Dream Han Jun Cup” 2013 Guangxi college students “innocence ” original song contest final was held in Guangxi University auditorium. Qin Bin, secretary of the working school of the autonomous region, director of the Education Department, Mo Jinrong, deputy secretary of the Higher Education Commission of the autonomous region, Zhao Yanlin, president of Guangxi University, and Tang Pingqiu, deputy party secretary of Guangxi University, watched the competition and awarded prizes to the winners. More than 1,300 people, including representatives of teachers and students in universities and colleges of higher learning, watched the game on the scene. Four teams, eight bands and five individual players from eight universities in the region participated in the finals. After a fierce competition, Guangxi University ensemble won the championship, Guangxi Arts