1 病历简介患者 ,女 ,46岁。 1个月前无明显诱因自觉左下腹胀痛 ,无意扪及该处有包块 ,但包块增长不明显。体检 :左下腹可扪及12cm× 16cm长球形囊性包块。表面光滑 ,活动度差 ,且无压痛。实验室检查 :尿液分析见RBC3~ 4个 /高倍镜检 ;囊液分析结果与该患者尿液成份一
1 medical records patient, female, 46 years old. 1 month ago no obvious incentive to consciously lower left abdominal pain, there is no intention to palpitate there mass, but the mass growth is not obvious. Physical examination: palpable left lower quadrant and 12cm × 16cm long spherical cystic mass. Smooth surface, poor mobility, and no tenderness. Laboratory tests: urine analysis see RBC3 ~ 4 / high power microscopy; cyst fluid analysis and the patient’s urine composition of a