社会保险关乎国运,惠及子孙,与企业职工息息相关,实在是一件不可小觑的事情。而企业的法人代表——厂长、经理、企业家们,集国家、企业、职工三方利益于一身,因此他们有责任维护好这三者的利益,有义务支持搞好社会保险工作。 本期以“企业法人代表看社会保险”为题,编发了一组正反两方面的稿件。这中间有宁可卖轿车、卖地、贷款为职工缴纳社会保险费的识大义、顾大局、有眼光的厂长经理,也有无视职工切身利益,拖欠、挪用社会保险金的极个别的害群之马。一方面,这说明做好社
Social insurance is related to the national transport, benefiting children and grandchildren, and enterprise workers are closely related to each other. It is an undeniable matter. However, the legal representative of the enterprise, the factory manager, the manager and the entrepreneurs, has the tripartite interests of the state, the enterprise and the workers. Therefore, they have the responsibility to safeguard the interests of these three parties and have the obligation to support the social insurance work. In the current issue of “Social Security for Corporate Legal Representatives”, a series of positive and negative manuscripts were compiled. There would be rather selling sedans, land sales and loans for the workers to pay social insurance premiums, taking into account the overall situation and visionary factory manager, but also ignoring the vital interests of workers, arrears, misappropriation of social insurance payments a very rare black sheep. On the one hand, this shows that doing good society