原发性肝癌并发癌性腹膜炎,检测其腹水中之甲种胎儿球蛋白(AFP),国内外文献尚未见报导。鉴于原发性肝癌并发癌性腹膜炎,腹水中肝癌细胞与脱落的间皮细胞不易区别,我们检测了腹水中的 AFP,以辅助肝癌的诊断,并作为辨别肝癌细胞与间皮细胞的一项参考,从中摸索出肝癌细胞的特徵。今对102例送检腹水,检测了其甲胎蛋白,实验结果如下。材料与方法材料为我院102例患腹水患者送检之腹水。检测方法是琼脂扩散法。设检测组及对
Primary liver cancer is associated with cancerous peritonitis, and detection of AFP in its ascites has not been reported in domestic and foreign literature. In view of the primary liver cancer complicated by cancerous peritonitis, ascites liver cancer cells and shedding of mesothelial cells are not easy to distinguish, we detected AFP in ascites, to assist in the diagnosis of liver cancer, and as a reference to distinguish between liver cancer cells and mesothelial cells , to explore the characteristics of liver cancer cells. Today, 102 patients were examined for ascites and their alpha-fetoprotein was tested. The experimental results are as follows. Materials and Methods Materials: Ascites from 102 patients suffering from ascites in our hospital. The detection method is agar diffusion method. Set up test groups and pairs