
来源 :四川政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guobihuai
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随着国有企业产权制度改革的不断深入,产权交易在企业资产重组、优化资本结构、合理配置资源方面日益发挥出积极的作用。但是,目前产权交易行为和产权交易市场普遍存在不规范的问题,尤其是企业产权“拆细交易”的问题较多,亟待清理整顿,加强管理,统一规范。为此,省政府决定对全省产权交易工作加强管理。现就有关事项紧急通知如下: 一、为了加强对产权交易工作的领导,省政府决定成立全省企业产权交易工作领导小组,由省委常委、常务副省长张中伟同志任组长,省长助理李朝浦同志任副组长,成员由省体改委、省计委、省经贸委、省财政厅、省国资局、省工商 With the deepening reform of property rights of state-owned enterprises, property rights trading plays an increasingly active role in the reorganization of corporate assets, optimizing the capital structure and rational allocation of resources. However, there are many non-standard issues in the property rights trading and property rights trading markets. In particular, there are many problems of property rights and “trading trades”, which are urgently needed to be rectified, strengthened and standardized. To this end, the provincial government decided to strengthen the management of the province’s property rights transactions. Now urgent notice on the matter as follows: First, in order to strengthen the leadership of property rights transactions, the provincial government decided to set up a leading group of enterprises in the province’s property transactions, by the Provincial Standing Committee, Executive Vice Governor Zhang Zhongwei as commander, governor assistant Li Chao Pu comrades as deputy leader, members of the Provincial Commission of Reform and Reform Commission, the Provincial Planning Commission, Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, the Provincial Department of Finance, the provincial bureau, provincial industry and commerce
目的 对支原体肺炎小鼠中TLR2/4、MYD88和NF-κB P65的表达水平以及相关性进行研究分析.方法 选取温州医科大学实验动物中心供给的健康成年雄性清洁级小鼠64只,按随机数字法
目的 观察肩胛上切迹(SSN)的形态特征,为肩胛上神经卡压的微创治疗提供解剖学依据.方法 135例(左侧84例,右侧51例)结构完整的人肩胛骨标本,观察SSN的形态及变异;测量SSN的上
先天性梨状窝瘘(congenital pyriform sinus fistula,CPSF)是先天性鳃源性畸形的一种,主要表现为颈深部感染,好发于左侧颈部,儿童期发病占所有发病的80%左右.其报道发病率仅为