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中国美术家协会第五届理事会第二次全体会议于1998年9月12日在北京召开,新当选的中国美协第五届理事参加了会议。 会上新当选的全体主席团成员分别对今后美协的工作、全国美术事业的发展发表了热情洋溢的讲话。会议通报了文化部、中国美协关于筹备“第九届全国美展”即“庆祝建国五十周年全国美展”的通知,并介绍了展览的筹备情况,提出了举办“第九届全国美展”即“庆祝建国五十周年全国美展”的设想和若干问题。与会理事一致认为,全国美展是5年举办一次的全国性大展,“第九届全国美展”正值建国50周年、改革开放20周年,又是中国美协成立50周年,是本世纪结束前的一次美术 The Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Council of Chinese Artists Association was held in Beijing on September 12, 1998. The fifth newly elected member of China Artists Association attended the meeting. The newly elected members of the presidium at the meeting delivered enthusiastic speeches respectively on the work of the Association for U.S.A. and the development of the fine arts in the country. The meeting informed the Ministry of Culture and the China Artists Association about the preparations for the “Ninth National Art Exhibition,” that is, the “National Art Exhibition to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China,” and introduced the preparations for the exhibition. It also proposed that the “Ninth National Art Exhibition” The Contemplation and Several Problems of “National Art Exhibition to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Founding of People’s Republic of China”. The participating members agreed that the National Art Exhibition is a national exhibition held in 5 years. The “Ninth National Art Exhibition” coincides with the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the 20th anniversary of the reform and opening up, and the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the China Artists Association. It is the end of this century A fine art
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齐纳花,中文名鱼尾菊,属野生花卉,原产美国德克萨斯州。1994年由青岛市引种在胶州马店镇,经过3年的栽培实践证明,该花具有生长密集,花期长(175天左右),结实率高, Zener flo
一 1908年,我生于上海城的乡下,今静安寺的北面。当时正是半殖民地半封建的社会。在帝国主义的欺侮下,人民生活困苦。祖父母耕田,兼开小店,我才得以读书。 我爱看《水浒传》