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南充市中小企业改革的基本思路应紧紧围绕机制、体制、所有制三个热点与难点,通过发展壮大一批,改制改组一批,产权转让一批,资产重组一批,转机建制一批,扶优解困一批,民营私营一批,关停破产一批等手段,努力在盘活存量与吸纳增量、发展优势与克服劣势等方面大做文章,力争用三至五年时间逐步完成对我市中小企业组织结构、资产负债结构、所有制结构、产业结构的战略性调整。其主要途径是: The basic ideas for the reform of small and medium-sized enterprises in Nanchong should closely focus on the three hot spots and difficulties of the mechanism, system, and ownership, through the development and expansion of a number of batches, restructuring and reorganization of a group, a number of property rights transfer, a group of assets reorganization, a turn in the formation of a group, support A group of excellent people, a group of private and private enterprises, a batch of bankruptcy and other means were shut down, and efforts were made to revitalize existing stocks, absorb surpluses, develop advantages, and overcome disadvantages. They strived to complete the city gradually over a period of three to five years. Strategic adjustment of the organizational structure, balance sheet structure, ownership structure, and industrial structure of SMEs. Its main approach is:
《国际市场》杂志根据外电有关报道,整理出“国际华商50家”,以供参考。 According to foreign reports, “International Market” magazine organized 50 “internationa
某电厂3台670 t/h锅炉管式空气预热器的严重积灰堵塞问题,一直制约着机组冬季大负荷期间的平稳发电供热,由于引风机烟气阻力过大,锅炉经常被迫减负荷运行。根据近年来空气预
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利用移动式内燃机集装箱试验台架,对电控LN G发动机高原动力恢复进行试验研究,通过对燃空比、点火提前角、进气压力控制参数的调整及优化,发动机的动力性、经济性得到明显改
约翰·济慈是伟大的浪漫主义诗人之一,他几乎一生都在探索美,但是却没有写过关于美的书或是论文。通过研究济慈信件和诗歌中关于的片段式评论,可以探究其美学观点。 John Ke