一阵大风刮过,总有些树要摇晃,甚至倒伏,一些根浅的草随风而去。 化装是人物造型的专用手段。它囊括装束、语言、独有小道具,当然少不了脸面和身体裸露部分的化装,那将是化装师的杰作,是整体造型中不可或缺的部分。近几年,当挑剔的观众开始讥笑港台影视剧“太后比皇上小、娘比儿年轻”“爹不是爹、娘不象娘”的虚假人物造型时,一种怪现象如同细菌一样悄悄毒化着我们的影视圈。有些演员,尤其是女演员已完全把化装师抛在
A gust of wind scrape off, there are always some trees to shake, or even lodging, some shallow grass away. Make-up is a special style of character modeling. It consists of costumes, language, unique props, of course, the face and bare body part of the make-up, it will be a master of makeup masters, is an integral part of the overall shape. In recent years, when the discerning spectators began to laugh at Hong Kong-Taiwan film and television drama “Queen Mother is younger than the Empress, Mother is younger than youngest,” “Father is not a father, Mother is not like Mother.” With our video circle. Some actors, especially actresses, have completely put the make-up artist behind