中国在改革开放前,广告业几乎是一片空白。近10多年来,随着经济的发展,特别是外资的进入,广告业发展很快。据统计,至1995年底为止,全国广告经营单位增至4.8万家,广告营业额达人民币273亿元之高,为1990年的10倍,发展速度十分惊人。 以经济发达的广东省为例,广告业发展更是势不可挡。据工商行政部门提供的数字表明:1995年全省广告营业额达人民币37.2亿元,广告经营单位6千家,其中广告公司3.2千家,从业人员5万人。
Before China’s reform and opening up, the advertising industry was almost empty. In the past 10 years, with the development of economy, especially foreign investment, the advertising industry has developed rapidly. According to statistics, by the end of 1995, the number of advertising units in the country had increased to 48,000 and the advertising revenue reached a high of 27.3 billion yuan, 10 times that of 1990’s. The pace of development was staggering. Take the economically developed Guangdong Province as an example, the development of the advertising industry is overwhelming. According to the figures provided by the administrative departments for industry and commerce, in 1995, the province’s advertising revenue amounted to 3.72 billion yuan and the advertising business unit was 6,000, of which 3.2 thousand were advertising agencies and 50,000 employed persons.