新闻照片,就是要捕捉时代生活的浪花,记录那些具有时代特色的一瞬间。 有时代特点的瞬间在哪里?瞬间一闪即逝,记者又怎么才能抓住那些有特点的瞬间呢? 到基层去,到群众中去,到生活里去 记者应经常深入基层,深入群众,深入生活。只有到群众活动的场所去,才能了解群众的生活,才能发现人民群众生活的点滴变化,才能捕捉到群众生活中最典型的瞬间。 1991年国庆节前,我看到首都市场繁荣兴旺,人们为迎接佳节选购物品,喜气洋洋。怎么反映这种
News photo, is to capture the waves of the times, record those moments with the characteristics of the times. Where are the moments of the times? Instantly fleeting, how can the reporters seize the distinctive moments? Go to the grassroots, go among the masses, and go to life. Journalists should go deep into the grassroots units at ordinary times and in-depth into the masses life. Only by going to places where the masses are going can they understand the livelihood of the masses and find out the bit by bit changes in people’s lives before they can capture the most typical moments in the life of the masses. Before the National Day in 1991, I saw the capital market prosperous and prosperous, and people were festive to welcome the festival’s purchase of goods. How to reflect this