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关于谭甫仁将军被暗杀一案,《文史精华》杂志2002年第2期刊登了晓农同志撰写的《“文革”中谭甫仁将军血案始末》一文。在此之前,《书刊报》于1999年9月17日转载了《海南特区法制报》登出的《周总理座机迫降,谭甫仁深夜被杀》一文。前文作者因主要取材于谭甫仁将军的亲属,故有关谭甫仁将军的生平事迹及被害情况较为翔实、可信。但可能因接触当时的办案人员不多,故案件的侦破过程显得稍粗,且与实际情况有些出入;而后文,笔者认为与事实相去甚远。 为了让广大读者较客观、全面地了解谭甫仁被杀一案的真相,最近笔者采访了当年参与谭案侦破复查工作的刘刚(曾任河北省公安厅厅长,现已离休)、王广沂(公安部126研究所刑事技术专家,现已退休)、赵向欣(公安部126研究所刑事技术专家,现已退休)、王恩眷(曾任云南省公安厅副厅长,现已离休)等同志,并吸收了晓农同志文中的有关情况,写成本文。 Regarding the assassination of General Tan Fu-jen, the “Culture and History” magazine No. 2 of 2002 published an article entitled “The Complete Bloodshed of General Tan Fu-jen in the” Cultural Revolution “written by Comrade Xiaonong. Prior to this, Journals Daily reprinted the article entitled ”Press Commencement of Premier Zhou to Landing Toward a Murderer TAN Fu-jen," which was published by the Legal Daily of Hainan Province on September 17, 1999. Because the author of the previous article was mainly based on the relatives of General Tan Fu-jen, his life story and the victimization of General Tan Furen are more informative and credible. However, due to the small number of handling agents at that time, the detection process of the case appears to be a bit rough and some discrepancies with the actual situation. The following article, I believe, is far from the truth. In order to make readers more objective and comprehensive understanding of the case of the murder of the case of Tan Furen, the author interviewed recently involved in Tan case investigation and re-examination of the work of Liu Gang (former Public Security Department of Hebei Province, is now retired), Wang Guangyi Ministry of Public Security 126 Institute of Criminal Technology experts, is now retired), Zhao Xiangxin (Ministry of Public Security 126 Institute of Criminal Technology experts, is now retired), Wang Enjuan (former deputy director of Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, is now retired) and other comrades , And absorbed the relevant situation in Xiaonong comrades, writing the text.