
来源 :贵阳市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a595165933
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清雍正年间,土家族地区完成改土归流后,民族融合和民族交流空前加强,在国家行政力量和民间社会力量的双重推动下,汉文化以前所未有的速度向土家族地区渗透。土家族传统文化在风俗习惯、宗教信仰、文学艺术等各个方面发生了变迁,这种变迁有着积极的影响,同时也产生了部分传统文化失传的缺憾,这是土家族传统文化面对外来文化冲击进行自身调适的结果。在文化大发展的今天,面对少数民族传统文化,既要合理开发,更要大力保护。 During the reign of the Qing Emperor Yongzheng in the Qing dynasty, the ethnic integration and exchange of nationalities were more strengthened than ever before, and under the impetus of the state administration forces and civil society forces, Han culture infiltrated the Tujia ethnic region at an unprecedented speed. The traditional culture of Tujia has changed in various aspects such as customs, religions and religions, and literature and art. This kind of change has a positive impact and at the same time has caused some regrettably the loss of traditional culture. This is the reason that Tujia traditional culture is facing external cultural impact The result of self-adjustment. In the great development of culture, in the face of the traditional culture of ethnic minorities, it is necessary to develop it rationally and to protect it even more.