刘桂珍、女,58岁,住院号8426。1983年7月29日因右眼胀痛,视物模糊,恶心呕吐入院。查体:视力:右眼光感,左眼1.0。眼压:右眼58毫米汞柱,左眼20毫米汞柱。右眼混合性充血,角膜水肿,前房浅,瞳孔散大约7.5毫米,对光反应消失、晶状体前囊下灰白色斑点状混浊。诊断:右眼急性充血性青光眼。入院后经2%普鲁卡因2 ml球后封闭,1%匹罗卡品滴眼,已酰唑胺口服,20%甘露醇静注,眼压控制在36—42毫
Liu Guizhen, female, 58 years old, hospital number 8426. July 29, 1983 due to right eye pain, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting admitted to hospital. Physical examination: visual acuity: right eye light perception, left eye 1.0. IOP: right eye 58 mm Hg, left eye 20 mm Hg. Mixed right eye congestion, corneal edema, shallow anterior chamber, mydriasis about 7.5 mm, disappeared on the light reaction, the lens before the white cyst under the turbid spots. Diagnosis: Right eye acute congestive glaucoma. After admission by 2% procaine 2 ml ball closed, 1% pilocarpine eye drops, orally administered acyclovir, 20% mannitol intravenous injection, intraocular pressure control at 36-42 milliliters