
来源 :河南社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:congyuantao
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当前,我国正处于社会转型期和矛盾多发期,越来越多的社会矛盾以诉讼的形式进入司法领域,人民群众对司法公正的诉求强烈,特别是对那些有案不立、有罪不究、以罚代刑,甚至是执法司法人员徇私枉法、徇私舞弊等现象,人民群众反映强烈。民事检察权是检察机关的一项重要的职能性权力。民行检察监督制度从无到有、从弱到强,目前呈现出强劲的发展势头,中国特色的司法制度日益显现出其确定性内涵。在此过程中,民行检察监督制度出现了监督范围扩张化、监督关系和谐化、监督模式内在化、监督功能复合化和监督环境趋优化等新动向。明确和把握这些新动向,对深入研究民行检察监督制度的发展规律,并在此基础上理性完善此制度,从而使该制度焕发出新的活力、产生出全面的应然价值,均颇具前提性意义。为了充分探讨这一问题,本刊编辑部特邀一批专家对此问题进行专题研究,得到了一些对此问题素有研究的学者的比较积极的回应。为了更好地以学术之力审时度势促进司法改革特别是检察改革,本刊编辑部以“司法改革与民事诉讼检察监督制度完善”为总标题进行专题研究,试图从现代司法的基本规律和特点着手,就我国民事诉讼活动监督的相关问题进行探讨。本着百家争鸣的态度,本刊对于受邀专家的来稿,只要符合通常的学术规范,不论其所表达的学术观点如何,一律照登,所以,本专题所有观点均不代表本刊之立场。 At present, our country is in a period of social transition and contradictions, and more and more social conflicts have entered the field of justice in the form of litigation. The people have a strong appeals for judicial fairness, especially for those who have no case, no guilty, To punish the death penalty, and even law enforcement officials bent on favoritism, favoritism and other phenomena, the people reflected strongly. Civil procuratorial power is an important functional power of procuratorial organs. Procuratorial and supervisory systems of the people’s communes have grown from nothing to weaknesses and strong ones and present a strong momentum of development. The judicial system with Chinese characteristics has increasingly shown its definite connotation. In this process, the procuratorial and supervisory system of the people’s communes has witnessed new trends such as the expansion of supervision scope, the harmonization of supervision relations, the internalization of supervision mode, the supervisory function combination and the supervisory environment optimization. Clearly grasp these new trends, on the basis of a thorough study of the law of development of procuratorial supervision system in the People’s Bank of China, and on the basis of rational perfection of this system, so as to give full play to the new vitality of the system and produce a full range of appropriate values, Sexual meaning. In order to fully explore this issue, our editorial department invited a group of experts to conduct a special study on this issue and got some positive responses from scholars who have studied this issue. In order to better assess the situation with academic power to promote judicial reform, especially procuratorial reform, editorial department to “judicial reform and improvement of civil prosecutorial supervision system” as the main topic of a special study, trying to learn from the basic principles of modern justice and Characteristics to proceed, to discuss the related issues of supervision of civil litigation in our country. Based on the attitude of a hundred schools of thought, our articles on invited experts are only accepted if they meet the usual academic norms, regardless of the academic point of view they are expressed. Therefore, all the views on this topic do not represent the position of this publication.