On the Development of Bamboo Knitting Art

来源 :新生代·上半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bing4086
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  Abstract: Art comes from life and serves life. With the change of time, people's pursuit of life is different. Then this article will also change. It will change with the change of people's life demands. Bamboo weaving crafts not only enrich and guarantee people's living needs, but also create great social and economic benefits.
  Key words: bamboo weaving,bamboo weaving art
  一、Aesthetic Connotation of Bamboo in Traditional Culture
  China is one of the countries with the most abundant natural resources and unique regional cultural resources of bamboo.It makes people yearn for it. In addition, the bamboo body is light and strong, wear-resistant and elastic, the skin is thick and hollow, the bending and pulling force is strong, and the whole body shows the beauty of mechanics.
  二、Development Status of Bamboo Knitting Art
  Bamboo weaving art is an ancient folk art peculiar to Sichuan. It originated from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, during the reign of Daoguang Tongzhi. At first, bamboo weaving works of art only have the function of tools, not ornamental, artistic value is not high. With the innovation and reform of the technique of bamboo weaving by Zhang Guozheng, a Sichuan native, the bamboo weaving technology has entered the stage of fetal dependence from feteless forming, and the fetal bamboo weaving, the predecessor of the ceramic fetal bamboo weaving, was born. Porcelain bamboo knitting is unique in many folk arts and crafts because of its technical characteristics of "selected materials, extra fine silk, close to the tire, tightly hidden head, multi-colored silk". The emergence of bamboo weaving with porcelain bodies has made the bamboo weaving works of art truly transit from practical to practical and aesthetic, and become unique arts and crafts. From then on, bamboo weaving artworks can be divided into fine silk bamboo weaving artworks and coarse silk bamboo weaving artworks. Bamboo weaving art Goods are the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the ancient working people, and are our national treasures.
  In modern times, with the improvement of China's industrialization and the acceleration of people's living habits and rhythm, most people are more willing to use convenient and fast daily necessities. So plastic products gradually replaced bamboo weaving products; the emergence of plastic products not only brought serious pollution problems, but also seriously impacted the bamboo weaving art, bamboo weaving art is facing the danger of extinction for the first time. Finally, in modern times, with the government's attention to bamboo weaving art and the inheritance of folk artists from generation to generation, the new school of bamboo weaving art appeared. New-style bamboo weaving art is closely related to our national conditions and people's living conditions, and is mostly our daily necessities. With its simplicity, elegance and practicality, the new school of bamboo weaving art has gradually returned to people's vision.   三、Characteristics of Bamboo-woven Artworks
  With the development of bamboo weaving art production technology, the improved bamboo weaving art works are practical and aesthetic. Usually people can not only use it as a tool, but also appreciate it as a work of art. Secondly, from the practical point of view, Sichuan bamboo weaving works of art also have strong, reliable and durable characteristics. Finally, from the price point of view, the price of bamboo weaving works of art in Sichuan is not as expensive as other works of art, because the purpose of bamboo weaving works of art is mainly to serve people's daily life, so a practical and aesthetic bamboo weaving works of art are often within an acceptable price.
  Bamboo, which is ecologically and environmentally friendly, is used as raw material to optimize the structure in design and manufacture, giving the product multi-level functionality and certain cultural connotation. At the same time, we should reduce pollution and save energy consumption in the process of production, and pay attention to environmental protection in the stage of product recycling, so as to achieve a state of green sustainable development and make it more in line with the requirements of the times and people's needs.
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【摘要】:伴随着我国全民阅读活动的持续性开展,到目前为止这一活动已经取得了有目共睹的进步,但其中也存在着读书阅读“三天打鱼,两天晒网”、阅读质量“良莠不齐”等问题。与此同时,在网络与媒体高速发展的今天,人们的阅读方式已经不在拘泥于纸质书本,而是通过移动手机、Kindle电子书等智能设备进行阅读。本文会从推广阅读,提高全民阅读水平出发,对其开展一定的分析。  【关键词】:推进举措 全民阅读 推广阅读