【摘 要】
With the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012,the Standard Model of particle physics was completed.This description encompasses all known subatomic particles and their interactions.Much of the public interest in high-energy physics now focuses on experime
With the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012,the Standard Model of particle physics was completed.This description encompasses all known subatomic particles and their interactions.Much of the public interest in high-energy physics now focuses on experimental searches for \'new physics\' beyond the Standard Model.Yet it would be a mistake to imagine that the Standard Model is nowfully understood.Many questions remain about the ways in which known fundamental particles interact and unite,especially at the very high energies needed to produce the most exotic varieties,such as heavy quarks (quarks are the constituents ofhadrons,which include the ordinary nuclear particles protons and neutrons) and heavy leptons (leptons are members of the family that includes electrons).
The Beijing electron positron collider (BEPC) was constructed in the 1980s and its upgraded version (BEPCⅡ) with a center-of-mass energy region of 2-5 GeV and a maximum lumi-nosity of 1 × 1033 cm-2 s-1 started operation in 2008.The colliding events are re
2021年英国皇家建筑师协会的查尔斯詹克斯奖(RIBA Charles Jencks Award)由印度建筑师阿努帕玛孔杜(Anupama Kundoo)获得.评审团认为:“她的建筑总是尽可能地优雅、生态友好且有趣生动,并在欧洲和南亚学术界之间架起了一座桥梁.”rn英国皇家建筑师协会为表彰建筑大师詹克斯的卓越成就,于2003年设立查尔斯詹克斯奖,旨在表彰奖励对建筑理论和实践均做出重大贡献的个人或机构.孔杜目前生活工作于柏林,此前在孟买学习建筑.1989年毕业后,她前往印度“实验城市”奥罗维尔(Aurovi
Hadron spectroscopy provides a way to understand the dynamics of the strong interaction.For light hadron systems,only phenomenological models or lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are applicable,because of the failure of perturbation expansions for QCD
Studies of light meson decays are important tools to perform precision tests of the effective field theories,determine transition form factors and test fundamental symmetries.With very high statistics data samples,the Beijing Spectrometer Ⅲ (BESⅢ) experim
第19届伦敦设计节上,一系列令人眼花缭乱的展览、项目、装置、活动和论坛应接不暇,为此ICON杂志整理了展览的部分亮点.rn维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆rn维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(V&A South Kensington)每年都会举办装置展览,今年有藤本壮介、伦敦的多学科设计工作室Nebbia Works、Resolve Collective等公司的项目.rn美杜莎作为今年伦敦设计节的地标性作品,由日本建筑师藤本壮介与Tin Drum工作室合作打造,美得不可方物.它独特的艺术形式与现实世界融合在一起,会随着观
Charmonium is a bound state of a charmed quark and a charmed antiquark,and a charmoniumlike state is a resonant structure that contains a charmed quark and antiquark pair but has properties that are incompatible with a conventional charmonium state.While
A comprehensive review of weak decays of charmed hadrons (D0/+,Ds+ and Ac+) based on analyses of the threshold data from e+e-annihilation in the BESⅢ experiment is presented.Current experimental challenges and successes in understanding decays of the char
Electromagnetic form factors are fundamental observables that describe the electric and magnetic structure ofhadrons and provide keys to understand the strong interaction.At the Beijing Spectrometer (BESⅢ),form factors have been measured for different bar