(一) 植保机械在于能以少量的毒剂、及时地消灭大量的病虫害,是防治农作物病虫害的重要工具。但目前使用的各种噴雾机械还不能使所噴雾滴都达到理想粒度,并散布均匀,因而每单位面积上的一般施药量,比理論需要量大几十倍甚至几百倍,剧毒剂的施用量大得就更多。因此,使药液达到理想的粒度,并散布均匀,可以降低用药量、提高植保机械效率,是生产上急需解决的重要課題。
(A) plant protection machinery is able to eliminate a large number of pests and diseases with a small amount of poison, is an important tool for the prevention and control of crop pests and diseases. However, the current use of a variety of spray machines can not make the spray droplets have reached the desired size, and spread evenly, and therefore per unit area of the general rate of application, than the theoretical requirements of a few times or even hundreds of times the drama The dosage of the agent is much greater. Therefore, the liquid to achieve the desired particle size and spread evenly, can reduce the dosage, improve the efficiency of plant protection machinery, is an urgent need to solve the production of an important issue.