市场经济条件下,作为国家政冶和经济生活中枢神经的国务院各部委(局)的作用越来越大。《中国记者》杂志社为配合各部委宣传部门做好宣传报道工作,增强《中国记者》杂志的服务职能,10月20日下午,在新华社新闻大厦多功能厅举行了“各部委(局)新闻宣传工作联谊座谈会”,30余家部、委、局新闻宣传部门的负责人应邀参加了座谈会。新华社秘书长蔡名照、新华社新闻研究所副所长许必华、徐人仲参加了这次座谈。座谈会由本刊总编辑余振鹏主持。蔡名照 (新华社党组成员、秘书长):改革开放以来,在党中央、国务院的亲切关怀下,在各兄弟单位包括各部委的大力支持下。新华社已建成初具规模的有中国特色的社会主义现代化世界性通讯社。《中国记者》是新华社领导下的面向全国新闻、宣传界的大型新闻知识月刊。创刊7年来,
Under the market economy, the ministries and commissions (bureaus) under the State Council, the central nervous system of the state’s political system and economic life, are playing a more and more important role. In order to cooperate with the propaganda departments of various ministries and commissions and promote the service of the “China Journalists” magazine, the “China Journalists” magazine held the “Ministries and Committees” in the multi-purpose hall of Xinhua News Agency News Building on the afternoon of October 20, News propaganda work association forum “, more than 30 heads of departments of ministries, commissions and bureaus, publicity and publicity departments were invited to participate in the symposium. Xinhua News Agency Secretary-General Cai Mingzhao, Xinhua News Agency Vice President Xu Bihua, Xuzhong Zhong attended the forum. The forum was presided over by Yu Zhenpeng, chief editor of the magazine. Cai Mingzhao (member of the party group and secretary general of Xinhua News Agency): Since the reform and opening up, with the cordial concern of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, with the vigorous support of various fraternal units including various ministries and commissions. Xinhua News Agency has built a large-scale socialist modernized world news agency with Chinese characteristics. The ”China Journalist" is a monthly major news magazine under the leadership of Xinhua News Agency, which is directed at the national news and publicity circles. Founded seven years ago,