南美区域地震中心(Centro Regional deSismologia para América del Sur)是根据联合国教科文组织与秘鲁政府之间的协议,于1966年在利马建立的,是世界上第一个区域性的地震中心。其任务是促进、发展和协调南美地区的地震研究工作。参加这个中心的有秘鲁、阿根廷、玻利维亚、哥伦比亚、智利、厄瓜多尔、特立尼达-多巴哥和乌拉圭等八个南美国家。巴拉圭因经济、科技十分落后,不是成员国。顾名思义,作为南美的区域地震中心,其成员应是南美的国家。可是,该中心已
The Centro Regional de Sismologia para América del Sur was established in Lima in 1966 in accordance with the agreement between UNESCO and Peruvian government and is the first regional earthquake center in the world. Its mission is to promote, develop and coordinate earthquake research in South America. Eight South American countries including Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay participated in the center. Paraguay because of the economy, science and technology is very backward, not a member country. As its name implies, as a regional earthquake center in South America, its members should be South American countries. However, the center has