王春花WANG CHUNHUA1964年生,羌族,四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州汶川县人,羌绣县级传承人。王春花12岁开始向母亲学习刺绣挑花技艺,飘带、围腰、鞋子等绣工精巧,多件作品被当地文化馆收藏。松脂燃烧的火苗,随着穿窗而过的清风左右摇摆着,似是随着歌声的起伏而翩翩起舞。一群身着美丽刺绣的女子,一边唱着歌,手中的针线一边快速地上下穿梭着。这就是羌族女子劳作了一天之后最好的放松。
Wang Chunhua, born in 1964, is a member of the Wenchuan County of Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province and a successor of the Qiang embroidery county. Wang Chunhua 12-year-old began to learn embroidery skills mother, streamers, waist, shoes and other delicate embroidery, a number of pieces of works by the local cultural centers collection. Rosin burning flames, with the breeze through the window and swayed around, seems to be dancing with the ups and downs of the song. A group of beautiful women dressed in embroidery, singing songs, hand sewing fast shuttle up and down. This is the best relaxation for Qiang women after a day of work.